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Much More To Running BridgeCable Than Just Ladders and CAT6 Wires

So 2016 for BridgeCable was filled with jobs and happy clients. From our offices in Philadelphia, PA we did network cabling jobs from CT, NY and our neighbors in NJ. With our increasing client list we have added some key players besides more techs.


Welcome Erica to BridgeCable!

Erica joined as in our marketing position and we wanted to share just a little bit of what she has started.

“So far working at Bridge Cable has been a learning experience.”

One of the first assignments I had was to look up different chamber of Commerce organizations in PA and NJ. The end goal for this was to come up with a list potential Chamber of commerce’s to join.

My first plan of action was locating these organizations in Reading , PA. I began by going onto Google maps and finding town in the surround areas of Reading Pa. From there I would type in the neighboring cities to see if they had Chamber of Commerce. I did the same for NJ. After locating the list of Chamber of Commerce’s, I stated calling them.

I determined the amount of members, active members and price. While on the phone with these Chamber of Commerce’s, I realized that being a member was much more than being listed on their directory. They offered discounts for everyday life, volunteer opportunities and Networking events. Some even offered classes to better your career and themed networking events to break the ice. After a day’s worth of research, I delivered the list. Management is considering getting into the Philadelphia Chapter.

Another Assignment at Bridge Cable

Another assignment I had was making a Capability sheet for potential clients. This sheet told the viewer what exactly we offer as a service and gave examples of some of our big name clients. This was another first for me. I had only made one flier before, but nothing informational. Paul made it very easy for me. He drew out a layout by hand.

Temp Drawing

Management is more techy than great with drawing pictures!


We discussed how he wanted the pictures to be presented; finally deciding that it would be more visually pleasing if they were rounded. The Cap sheet took me about an hour and half to do.

What came next was a bit difficult. Resizing the PDF. This was unknown territory for me. I looked up two techniques. One made the PDF at an extremely low resolution and the other came out perfect. By the next day this PDF was posted on our Social media Accounts.

Click below to see our new handout, we LOVE it!


bridgecable Capability

The finished Project! Great job Erica!

Training Videos For Our You Tube Channel

The next assignment was a video. I was a bit nervous. I had only done edited one video before. I ran into my fair share of problems. The lighting was too hot and I was having issues putting the aperture on a high level to compensate. As a result the video was a little blown out. The video was a tutorial for internal use, to teach new employees different methods of Network Cabling.

In post-production, I ran into a few more problems. The video editing software I was using on my work laptop did not accept the file upon upload.  I started researching on the Internet. It turns out I have to download a program to convert the file to a more suitable platform. After finally finding a suitable downloading program I converted the file, only to see that program did not accept this file either.

I then went back onto the internet to research. I converted the file once more to another platform. After this did not work I figured the movie maker program was a dud and went onto my personal computer. I worked on IMovie after that. I found working on IMovie rather easy and convenient after the whole fiasco. As a result of Imovie, I produced three tutorial videos for our employees.

This program will also be used to show Network Cablers in other states. believes that we should give back to the cabling community.  Overall for these projects I learned what to do and what not to do, My next videos will definitely be an improvement.

Network Cabling Training

Kalief and Matt with Paul doing some training onsite. Erica took various pictures throughout the weeks with us.

My most recent assignment pieces everything together. is expanding! We are getting into Chamber of Commerce’s to get more business, creating new flier for said new business.

In turn we need more employees, which brings me to the assignment-posting ads online. This assignment was fairly easy but time consuming. I was told to post ads in three states. It was smooth sailing until systems started deleting some of my posts. I am still unclear on why our content was deleted, everything was in the right category. Still working on the fixes as we speak!

The next step is to make an excel sheet to organize the workers by territory and skill. I can’t wait!

Love comments or thoughts….call me direct 877-832-1206 Ex: 302.

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